It's okay...

This time, I already learned these valuable lessons in life:

It's okay to be selfish.

Its okay to don't give a fuck to anything or anyone that don't deserve my patience, time, energy and attention.

It's okay to disappoint anyone and don't please everyone.

It's okay to be really happy even if others are sad.

It's okay to stop carrying the entire world.

It's okay to fail and  make mistakes then move on to the next chapter of my life.

It's okay to get exhausted because it doesn't mean I stopped trying, it's means I'm just having a pitstop.

It's okay to be broken and feel helpless.

It's okay to worry sometimes and act like a real woman.

It's okay to cry because it means I'm not numb.

It's okay not to wait and start defying gravity.

It's okay to admit that I got depressed sometimes I'm weak.

It's okay to choose yourself instead of others.

It's okay to be blunt because it doesn't mean I'm emotional.

It's okay to ask for help.

It's  okay not to be kind if this would make the situation even better.

It's okay to be right because it also means you're loving them by doing the right thing.

It's okay not be a confidant and a safety net and let them learn their lessons.

It's fucking okay to feel whatever emotions I have and wear them on my sleeves at all times.

It's okay to be mad for being betrayed because I deserved to be respected, loved and cared.

It's okay to be smart, to have a big heart, be charming, kind and talented because not everyone can appreciate my real beauty.

It's okay not to listen to all the people who's trying to meddle with my life especially when they don't even know a single thing that's happening with me.

It's okay to remain hopeful in spite of having cynical people around me.

It's okay to get hurt and feel pain because this makes me stronger and left me with memorable battlescars.

It's okay to be intese and too much of everything.

It's okay to pause and recharge myself.

It's fucking okay not to give-up and moved mountains.

It's okay not to be okay all the time and have meltdowns.

It's okay to walkaway from things that don't served me anymore.

It's okay not to wait for others and start breaking free.

It's okay to lose some people in my life.

It's okay to stop being excessively selfless and start loving myself.

It's okay to be me. :)


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