Cheers to the Greatest Dad in the World!

 Dear Dad,

As we mark the fourth year of celebrating your birthday without you, I find myself reflecting on how profoundly your absence has reshaped my life. When you left, it felt like my dreams shattered, as they were so intertwined with you and the memories we were building together as a family. Your departure left me paralyzed, struggling to move forward as if my mind had gone blank. Imagining life without you has been incredibly difficult, especially since I had become so reliant on your presence. I’m still adjusting and have come to understand that grieving is unpredictable—one day it feels like progress is being made, and the next, it feels like starting from scratch.

I recently read that our love languages are often shaped by the traumas and deficiencies of our childhood. Understanding this now, I realize how challenging it must have been for you to confront and address your own intergenerational traumas while striving to create a better path for future generations of our family. I am profoundly grateful for your efforts to heal yourself, which have deeply impacted us and will benefit our future family. Thank you for showing that love begets love and that healing can be transformative. Your legacy of generosity and resilience is invaluable and has touched many, even those we didn’t know personally.

I am committed to following a similar path, striving to leave the world better than I found it, fulfilling my life’s purpose, and living each moment to the fullest. I hope that with each step I take, I am making you proud and continuing your legacy. I miss you dearly and carry you always in my heart and mind.


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