B23-02 “Al naaem النعيم”

Losing my dad was just like losing my compass in the middle of darkness. Journeying endlessly and repetitively just like being trapped inside of a massive desert and I had no clue how to get out.

Navigating grief wasn’t that easy especially if you lose someone too precious and irreplaceable. The void cannot be filled by anyone or anything. 

It came to my realization that the purpose of what happened was to let me notice the I have this unresolved cycle of grief, regret and guilt which had been existing for years. It turned out my dad was just helping me get out of this caged and wants me to live freely, happily, spread my wings, appreciate each second including simple things and live my life to the fullest like he always did with or without him around. 

He always had a better plan for anyone of us. I am eternlly grateful because all this time he was preparing us for a better and brighter future. I know he’ll be there for us no matter what happens. 



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