

All these years, I thought that I suck in all forms of writing though I do have some experience in business writing which I’m having a hard time to consider as formal writing 😆 

A lot of people had encourage me to devote some time writing down my colorful life experiences for only few blessed people was given this opportunity but it took me forever to finally gained confidence to do so. I just thought I am good in communications because I often got involve with public speaking, hosting , teaching,  trainings and so on. I didn’t imagine myself writing a blog like this but I do believe there’s no harm in trying and practice makes perfect.


Last year, part of my personal and career development program was undergoing the Harrison Test and the result was totally unbelievable. I got perfect “10” in writing as one of my strengths and aside from that I started creating several documentations at work such as our Global Operations Manuals, audit applications and other pertinent documentations. That’s the main reason why I still need to catch-up with my journal/blog and organizing my innermost thoughts that I am still quite privy 😁 I’ll definitely try my best to do  baby steps this year. So, wish me luck. 


Wanderess Mermaid 


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