I'm Baaaack!!!!!

Hola! 😊 

I'm still here and alive. Sorry for being silent the entire year. 2021 has been a challenging year for me and of course for everyone. I'll be telling you more about those things in the next few weeks. Yes, you heard it right! I'll be seriously writing down my blog often. Before it was just a cathartic journaling. Kidding! but contrary to my knowledge that I suck in writing I found out recently that it was one of my strengths. My OCness was quite helpful giving me enough attention to details.  So, I guess it's never too late to begin again. I hope I can impart some inspiration, learning and others to anyone by doing this. Stay safe, healthy and stronger! 2022 is almost there! 


Wanderess Mermaid ❤️🥂


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