Beauty in Me

Here's my  La La Land portrait  by "Tom Epperson"
We both had fun with the photo shoot! He totally unleash my real personality in this photo. Super thrilled to work with him with some of my advocacies. ;) #BeautyinMe

Women's month was never a big deal to me for the past years that I was living. Perhaps it can be attributed with my less exposure to women discrimination and the firmed upbringing of my nurturing family, environment and country that it's common that empowered women like me do exist.

As I grew up, hearing stories of different women especially the domestic workers who were abused and discriminated extremely breaks my heart. I realized that ethnicity and geographic affiliation matters a lot for some countries for gaining gender respect and equality. Adding-up the false advertisement being portrayed in this generation of what real beauty means - blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin and sexy body. These kind of environment wasn't really helpful at all which also triggered my fair share of insecurities when I was still young.  I remembered how lazy bone I am since I was a kid. I don't like combing my wavy hair, wearing make-ups and I hate using beauty products but later on I had no choice but to do so because mom usually joined me in few pageants when I was still naive. I was forced to do all the things that I hate by then but when I grew up and gained control over myself I was able to unleash the real me.

Going back to the #Beautyinme campaign, when we were interviewed for it's teaser video, I was struck by the question about my insecurities. I honestly can't think of anything at that moment (not bragging), maybe because I came to a point in my life that I had already embraced my imperfections and uniqueness. Moreover, I value inner beauty more than anything and this has always been my guide in pursuing my passion and dreams. For me, brain and heart are priceless gems than physical beauty that's why I've strive hard to hone the first two in all possible means. Also, I'm so fortunate that my environment was quite supportive, too. Throughout this campaign I have been reminded of important lesson once again and was  truly moved by the inspiring stories of the other women who were part of the campaign. I hope we were able to inspire many women to gain self-confidence and start appreciating the real beauty in them. :)

Here's the snippet of the #BeautyinMe campaign of SM Southmall last month:


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